Spoof HWID
How to spoof HWID
Last updated
How to spoof HWID
Last updated
Run loader
Enter key (Check Remember me)
Register by adding your own username / password and KEY (Key to be added ONLY 1st time)
Hit Register ONLY 1st time and later on you'll be adding your Username / Password ONLY
After hitting Login / Register (depends on if you're a 1st time user or not), you'll get the following:
Perm Spoof if your motherboard is Unlocked (It's perm EVEN AFTER Windows Reinstallation)
Locked Motherboard Temp Fix if it's Locked (It's perm UNTIL Windows Reinstallation)
Restart PC after it's done!
NOTE: Do NOT Sp00f twice on same Windows Reinstallation or you will get BSOD!